Based on the information we have received from DHEC and the CDC we will not have an update on the safety protocols recommended for next year until after the June 24 deadline.
The ESSER III Return to School Plan is based on current guidance that is subject to change before the start of school in August. We appreciate your patience as we fulfill the requirements under the federal program while awaiting additional information from DHEC and the CDC.
Highlights of the plan include:
- Students will continue to attend school in the five-day face-to-face model.
- Per the Governor’s order, mask use will be optional for students and staff in school buildings and facilities.
- Per current federal requirements, masks will still be mandatory on school buses.
- At this time we anticipate the removal of desk shields at all grade levels.
- Contact tracing will still be required for any positive cases, along with quarantine and isolation protocols.
- Social distancing practices will remain in place when possible.
- The district will review the plan every six months at a minimum.
The plan will be adjusted once new guidance is received.