Allendale COUNTY SCHOOLS-------
Dr. Margaret Gilmore, Superintendent
SEPTEMBER 21, 2021 I SOURCE: Amber Houston, ACSD Communications Specialist For ImmediateRelease:
Fairfax, SC, September 21, 2021 - Allendale County School District announced today that it will install Air Guardians in all schools to purify air and protect occupants throughout the district.
"COVID and other pathogens threaten our students, teachers, and staff', said Dr. Margaret Gilmore, Superintendent of Allendale County School District. "After reviewing several potential solutions, we determined that Air Guardian was by far the best option for our district", she said. "This product takes advantage of room circulation physics and eliminates harmful air with proven laboratory results. Our team, which included facilities management, cabinet leadership and community members examined this product and did extensive diligence. We have not seen anything this comprehensive developed specifically for cleaning air."
"Air Guardian is a multi-modal device mounted above a drop celling tile that safely and continuously kills airborne pathogens, particles, and pollutants and provides the highest level of protection for room occupants", said Stephen Boyd, President of Trusted Client Solutions. "There is simply nothing else like it."
The project will be funded by ESSER Ill funds.
About Air Guardian:
Air Guardian uses patented technology to purify and recirculate clean air in the classroom. Backed with third party, independent testing, Air Guardian sits discreetly above the celling drawing in air and cleansing it using a three-step process. Purified air is then returned to the room with no byproducts. Air Guardian is certified to eliminate, among other pathogens, SARS-CoV-2, influenza, MRSA, airborne mold and mildew, and it mitigates increases in Carbon Dioxide levels which are linked to cognition.
Air Guardian is an FDA registered medical device and is being utilized in schools, businesses, and governments around the world.
P.O. Box 458,
Allendale, South Carolina 29810
Telephone 803 584-4603
Fax 803-584-5303